Product database

 As shown below, I created my product database, starting by setting up a unique product number followed by the product's name. Moreover, after evaluating the competitor prices and the unit cost, I set up the product's price. 

The initial table

One of the fundamental elements to be listed on the database is the Total sales, and it could be calculated easily by inserting the sign (=) on the cell following by the cells (sale price) times (Stok sale).

Total Sales equation

Excel will calculate the total sales. Instead of doing the same for every product, all I had done is to click Enter, and the total sales equation was inserted to all of the other products.

Total Sales results

Knowing the cost will help later to calculate the profit. Therefore, I added a column for cost on the database. Calculating the cost is pretty simple; first, insert the sign (=) followed by the cells stock quantity times unit price. The cells could be chosen by clicking on them, as shown below. Similar to finding the total sales, I clicked Enter to apply the equation to all other products.

Calculating the cost

Know that we have calculated both total sales and the cost, the profit could be easily calculated. Similar to what was done, I inserted a (=) sign following that by total sales - cost. After that, clicking enter as what was done with the other field and the profit for all product will be inserted.

Calculating the profit

The profit values 

There is the Auto-sum formula on Excel, which I have used to find the sum of total salescost, and profit.

The totals 

Another function that could be used to show all the formulas that have been used on the table is the Show formulas function.

Show formulas function

The formulas used to find (total Sals, cost, profit, and totals)

Sometimes, it is easier to view the data if it was shown visually. Thus, after completing the product database,  a chart could be inserted by selecting the data wanted to be included in the chart and choosing one of the charts as shown below.

Selecting a chart

As shown below, I converted the data into a column chart.  The chart shows the data in a way that makes it easier to compare and analyze the result.

Pie Chart

However, because it is a pie chart, the profit cannot resemble. Thus, I changed it into another chart type to show the negative and positive profits.

Column chart 


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