e-commerce website 4Ps

Out of the 4Ps,  promotion will play an essential role in the success of my e-commerce. Therefore, the website will include social media links. The reason behind social media accounts is that many people use social media these days. Thus, reaching consumers would be easier. Another feature that has been included on the website is the live chat feature. So if the consumer has a question regarding one of the products, the customer service adviser could promote the product and show the options we have. finally, the newsletter submission form. The website consumer could subscribe to our newsletter, and we will be sending emails to them promoting our products.

The social media links on my website

The live chat section on my website 

The newsletter form on my website 


Arrival cookies website, 4Ps analysis:

Arrival web engine search result 

 When searching for "Arrival cookies," the first link appears is the Arrival cookies link website. As shown in the photo above, it appears that Arrival cookies website creators have paid the search engine (SEO) to be on the top result. That indicates that Arrival Cookies adopted the element of promotion in their website. 

The banner on the Arrival website

Another promotion strategy is offered. The arrival cookies website offers sales every now and then for their consumer, which is another way of promoting. Moreover, in this case, banners are being used to show the offers the company has.

Arrival cookies product description

Another marketing strategy arrival cookies showed is the uniquity in displaying and describing their products. As their theme is space and aliens, they have shown their theme throw out the website pages.  

Source: Arrival cookies.


Chocolate dino company website, 4Ps analysis:

The about us page Chocolate dino company website

On the Chocolate dino company website, it is pointed out that the whole website has been established in lockdown time. Therefore, since no one was able to go and buy cookies from shops, they started an online shop to deliver cookies for people. This indicates that the Chocolate dino company used the place element out of the 4Ps. 

Chocolate dino company products
Another 4Ps Chocolate dino company focused on is their products. From browsing the website, the cookie they sell is not like any other cookie or bakery, as they have focused more on selling cookies as a family or party packages. Another thing that they mentioned on their about page is making people smiling and happy during these times (covid time). Therefore, they showed that buying cookies is not only for you but your whole family and friends. 

Source: Chocolate dino company.



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