WIX apps

 There are many useful apps on Wix. Apps that could improve communication and others that help in selling goods.

The first app I'm going to talk about is PayPal:

PayPal is a secure payment method; thus, consumers will feel more comfortable throughout the checkout procedure. 

PayPal app

Indication that the website support PayPal method

2-site search app:

The search app will facilitate the navigation for the user and improve the users' experience.

Site Search app

Search bar

3- FAQ app:

The FAQ page is one of the most significant pages in any e-commerce; therefore, I have included it in my e-commerce.
FAQ app

FAQ page


4- visitor analytics:
Visitor analytics app helps track the user's activities inside the website; thus, it would help make improvements to the website if needed.
visitor analytics app

Visitor analytica data

5-Social media accounts:
Social media is a significant part of many people, therefore, I have created social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.  

Social media accounts

6-Newsletter app:

To promote our product and keep in touch with the consumer, I added a newsletter subscription option so that consumers can join it easily.


Finally, chat app:

Live chat is one of the most essential features in any e-commerce website. Since live chat/ chatbox makes the consumer more satisfied with the services and allows the user to communicate with the owners more easily.

Chat app

Chatbox on the website


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