I created a product list using excel. The product list requires a number of formulas which will be explained in this post. First, The Lists: 1- on the product sheet, we have created two lists, one for the product name called (ProductList) and the other one for all the price and the name called (ProductLookup). 2- On the consumer sheet, we created two lists as well, one for the consumer name called (consumerList) and the other one for the consumer name, address, postcode, and the city called (consumerLookup). After that, the lists created were used to give the option to choose the product, as shown below: The product list The same thing was done to the consumer list; it was used to allow us to chose the consumer name, as shown below: The consumer list second, The formulas used to complete the product list: 1- I used a formula to show the price associated with the product chosen; thus, if there was a product, it would show its price; otherwise, it will show nothing...
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